Saturday, May 16, 2009

Wheel of Time Book 12

For anyone who hadn't heard, WoT is now extending into 14 books. Sanderson couldn't wrap it all up in one volume (I never thought it would happen anyway.) That's not what this post is about though. Take a journey over to Dragonmount and check out the 'art work' for book twelve.

They've said that they (team Jordan) wanted to stick with DK Sweet for all the US covers. I would think that would earn a little more effort from the artist for the loyalty. But alas, we got another steaming pile for a cover. Randland has run into a lot of artwork problems over the years. Anyone remember, the Guide to the Wheel of Time? There may have been a decent picture in there, but I haven't found it yet.

Really, who picks this stuff out?

I did hear that they plan on re-releasing the books upon completion of the series with new artwork for all of them. For now I may pay shipping and get the British version.


watchman146 said...

This is becoming a joke, isn't it?

Also, you're right, cover art sucks.

VanSneak said...

The BEST WoT artwork on the web that I have seen (except for Phil's)is found here.
WoT should really hire this guy. The sire has some monsters and scantily clad warriors on it so it's not for the kids. All his characters are good but I particularly like his "Uno".

Phil Lowe said...

That guys is pretty sweet! I've seen his Thom before. These guys are pretty good as well:


Brook Trout Designs said...


Sweet has contracted with TOR for a bunch of covers...all of which are horrible. David Farwell's Runelords series makes me gag every time I look at the cover and I love that series.

I don't care about the covers as a whole, but when I look at Loial on Bk 2...*sigh*

Both Toby and Phil have some awesome WoT sketches.

Phil Lowe said...

You know, in the long run the covers don't really matter. The books are selling themselves, and the first couple were decent. His proportions have always been wrong...way off, but at least he put effort into the first three or four books.