Wednesday, May 13, 2009

This Looks Different

Am I lost?


Where am I?

Phil's new blog.

Where's that?


Oh. It's brown.

Yes, it sure is. Do you like it?

Not really, but at least it's something new.


For real, you changed color already?

Don't blame me, the post would only come up half the time. I had to do something.

Likely story. I'm going to bed.



David said...

Not to be picky about every little detail, but your question about us liking your blog lacks the customary mark at the end of the sentence. ;)

I do like the brown actually.

Phil Lowe said...

Yeah...ever since I changed the blog not all the text is showing up. The second voice actually answers that question with a resounding 'No' but it doesn't show up. Weird

VanSneak said...

Brown is the new black and black is cool.