Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Brandon Sanderson's newest, Warbreaker, is out this week. Anyone interested in seeing how Sanderson handles the fantasy genre before the next Wheel of Time book should check it out. This is a great read and, I think, Sanderson’s best so far. You can actually read it for free. Check out his release article here.

Having read most of his work now, I’m intrigued to see how he approaches WoT. Sanderson has stated, on more than one occasion, that he does not want to imitate Jordan. But he also acknowledged that his prose needed to be more descriptive for the series. And while his books, especially the Final Empire series, have a good size cast of characters, their nothing compared to the manifold denizens of Randland.

1 comment:

Brook Trout Designs said...

I am on chapter 15 of Warbreaker. Very well done...I like his storytelling approach and his sentence structure is way different from RJ...simplistic, but it has a flow. I think I may like it better.

Thanks for the link...I think it will get me through two more days of work.